Leaching of wood ash products aimed for spreading in forest


Tillämpning av avfallsförordningen SFS 2001:1063 - NET

The XRD/Rietveld results confirm the presence of solid solutions between ettringite and thaumasite. Two structure types, having predominantly ettringite-like and thaumasite-like XRD patterns, were distinguished. The simultaneous occurrence of both in certain preparations suggests the presence of a miscibility gap in the solid solution. The growth of the ettringite XRD peaks was used as a measure of the rate and its formation pattern. It is shown that the rate of ettringite formation in soil stabilization is much slower than that of artificial ettringite. Use of XRD patterns to evaluate compressive strength of stabilized aggregates (UCS), X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy tests.

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24, pp. 339-346. Full pattern fitting, a computer-based XRD data analysis technique, was used to identify the nature of the thaumasite/ettringite solid solutions produced. Thaumasite was formed only in mixes containing carbonate-bearing aggregates at higher water:solid ratios. Ettringite Group. Although it is generally assumed that a solid solution series between ettringite and thaumasite exists, both species have different space groups and a possible discontinuity was identified, characterised by a gap in the a-dimension of the solid-solution phases (Barnett et al., 2000). Rietveld analysis of XRD patterns showed that not only were there separate thaumasite-like and ettringite-like phases, but also that the unit cell parameters of each phase varied with composition.


Iron in cement is present as Fe 3+ -ions and occupies two octahedral positions, with close isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings. Iron in fly ash is present as Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ , and the Mössbauer spectra display three doublets—two for Fe3+ in octahedral Page S1 Supporting Information for Immobilizing Pertechnetate in Ettringite via Sulfate Substitution Sarah A. Saslow1*, Sebastien N. Kerisit2, Tamas Varga3, Sebastian T. Mergelsberg2, Claire L. Corkhill4 Michelle M.V. Snyder1, Nancy M. Avalos1, Antonia S. Yorkshire 4, Daniel J. Bailey , Jarrod Crum 1, and R. Matthew Asmussen .

Ettringite xrd pattern

Thermophysics 2012 - Conference Proceedings - Yumpu

Ettringite xrd pattern

The two phase mixtures were found by TEM to have two distinct morphologies, stubby laths and acicular crystals and it was thought that the former might be ettringite and the latter thaumasite. means of Rietveld refinements on the averaged diffraction The cement sample was scanned at 9 and 58 h from patterns, and the obtained results (14 and 22 wt.% at 9 and hydration in order to test the XRD-CT capabilities in 58 h, respectively) confirmed the increase of ettringite as monitoring the evolution of cement hydration over time. In this study, changing of XRD patterns of thaumasite and ettringite by heat treatment and vacuum treatment was examined, focusing on their crystal water.

XRD pattern  Figure 1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern showing principal peaks of ettringite (E), gypsum (G), anhydrite (A), calcite (C) and quartz (Qtz). - "Effects of Calcium  Keywords: Blended cements, Metakaolin, Gypsum, Ettringite ettringite are desired to be formed as dominant hydration XRD peaks belonging to ettringite. and weaker peaks of quartz are present. Type 1-t also has. Fig. 1. XRD pattern of ettringite crystals (e) that are hand-separated from the type 2 plaster samples.
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Likewise   Goetz-Neunhoeffer F, Neubauer J (2006) Refined ettringite (Ca 6 Al 2 (SO 4) 3 (OH) 12 ·26H 2 O) structure for quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis, Powder Diffraction, 21, 4-11 Hartman M R, Berliner R (2006) Investigation of the structure of ettringite by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction techniques, Cement and Concrete Research, 36 XRD pattern of system A, B and C at 1, 28 and 56d. The abbreviation E refers to ettringite phase and G to gypsum.

Two structure types, having predominantly ettringite-like and thaumasite-like XRD patterns, were distinguished. The simultaneous occurrence of both in certain preparations suggests the presence of a miscibility gap in the solid solution. Figure 1 shows XRD patterns of the synthesized ettringite and metaettringite samples calcined at different tempera-tures. The XRD pattern of the ettringite sample con˜rmed that it was highly crystalline and single-phase ettringite (ICDD entry 075-7554, largest peak position 9.09°).
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XRD patterns of the BS sample without addition of VAE after 1 day of hardening . Figure 2c. #Match!3 #Software #XRDPattern #RietveldRefinement #Nanoencryption The high amount of precipitated ettringite on the cement grain surfaces and the rare occurrence of gypsum crystals confirm the results of the XRD measurements concerning these phases.

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Ca6[Al( OH)6]2(SO4)3 26H2O ill crystallized hydrated products. - monocarbonate  tial Influence on Ettringite Formation in Cementitious Sys- tems,” Cement, Concrete on an aluminum slide for XRD analysis and scanned from 5 to 45°. 2- theta  KEYWORDS : Soil cement, Unconfined compressive strength (UCS), Calcium silicate hydrate (CSH), Ettringite. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). 1.

Results show the formation of cementitious compounds such as ettringite, gismondine, straetlingite, and On these samples XRD results showed small quantity of ettringite, calcium carboaluminate hydrate and Friedel’s salt, and a complete leach of portlandite, while TGA results indicated small quantities of hydrates. Samples taken from flawless inside of concrete layer showed expected quantities of hydrates for the concrete. General Ettringite Information : Chemical Formula: Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12•26(H2O) Composition: Molecular Weight = 1,255.11 gm Calcium 19.16 % Ca 26.81 % CaO Aluminum powder diffraction pattern enables phase identification for a large variety of crysta lline phases in a sample [3]. Figure 1 – 4 illustrate the XRD diffractograms for investigated samples. a schematic illustration of the ettringite crystal structure; XRD patterns of the solid residues before and a er selenate ettringite soaking in ethanol. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra08765a Cite this: RSC Adv.,2017,7,42407 Received 8th August 2017 Accepted 26th August 2017 DOI: 10.1039/c7ra08765a rsc.li/rsc-advances In a The unit cell of ettringite is a 11.26, c 21.48 Å, Z = study of a synthetic ettringite using TG, XRD, and 27Al 2 for the supercell (Bannister et al.