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The term was also used to describe " The Fundamentals ", a collection of twelve books on five subjects published in 1910 and funded by Milton and Lyman Stewart. Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. However, fundamentalism has come to apply to a tendency among certain groups—mainly, though not exclusively, in religion—that is characterized by a strictly literal interpretation of scriptures. By this definition many Atheists are fundamentalists too. Fundamentalism, in a religious context, is when a religious group believes that its scripture is the absolute truth, an exact representation of the world, its origins, and/or its eventual fate. The term was coined to refer to certain Christianity movements, but it is a sociological movement that is observed in religions as well. The American Heritage Dictionary defines fundamentalism as a usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.

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Fundamentalism (sculpture) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fundamentalism is a monumental bronze sculpture by Jens Galschiot consisting of the letters in the word ' FUNDAMENTALISM '. The sculpture was finished in 2015 and is a part of the dialogue project The children of Abraham, also by Galschiot. Fundamentalismen är ett försök att rensa traditionalismen, d.v.s. islam som den utövats på folklig nivå under århundraden, från påstådda avvikelser och inflytande från lokala kulturer.

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Fundamentalism wiki

Source: article , adapted under 10 Jan 2015 Theodore Bruce Bawer (born October 31, 1956, in New York City), who writes under the name Bruce Bawer, is an American writer who has  In the USA, the modern version of this old conflict between science and religious fundamentalism is epitomized by the infamous Scopes trial.

There Fundamentlism in Christianity and Islam for insample. The term "Christian fundamentalism" wis oreeginally coined bi its supporters tae describe a specific package o theological beliefs that developit Folosirea acestei ideologii pe tărâmul politic, după „McCarthy” a luat aspecte mai grave, unde dictatura din mai multe puncte de vedere corespunde fundamentalismului..
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Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. However, fundamentalism has come to apply to a tendency among certain groups—mainly, though not exclusively, in religion—that is characterized by a strictly literal interpretation of scriptures. By this definition many Atheists are fundamentalists too.

For other uses, see Fundamentalism (disambiguation). Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. Fundamentalism.
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However, fundamentalism has come to apply to a tendency among certain groups—mainly, though not exclusively, in religion—that is characterized by a strictly literal interpretation of scriptures. By this definition many Atheists are fundamentalists too. Fundamentalism, in a religious context, is when a religious group believes that its scripture is the absolute truth, an exact representation of the world, its origins, and/or its eventual fate. The term was coined to refer to certain Christianity movements, but it is a sociological movement that is observed in religions as well. The American Heritage Dictionary defines fundamentalism as a usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. Fundamentalismul se poate considera un curent radical fanatic, intolerant, această ideologie care nu acceptă compromisuri, având frecvent o origine de natură religioasă, este un atașament strict la o doctrină anume, fie ea religioasă sau nu în esența sa, termenul este sinonim cu integrism. Fundamentalism var ursprungligen beteckningen på den bibelfundamentalistiska rörelsen; en amerikansk bibeltrogen kristen kalvinistisk rörelse, ofta associerad med den evangelikala rörelsen, som var en reaktion mot religiös modernism, liberalteologi, vetenskaplig bibelkritik, evolutionsteorin och annat sekulärt inflytande över det religiösa tänkandet.

Vad är fundamental analys? Aktiewiki

Ii logan ke khatir faith (the Bible) khaas chij rahaa.. References. Bahaari jorr. Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion and Atheist Fundamentalism by Simon Watson, published in 2011-12-13 Fundamentalism is a strong reactionary tendency exhibited by significant minorities within the majority of major religions. Generally, fundamentalists seek to recapture some sort of supposed ideological "purity," often by reasserting the primacy of ancient religious texts. This puts them at loggerheads with both the secular world and with their more moderate co-religionists. 1 Description 2 As nouns the difference between fundamentalism and traditionalism is that fundamentalism is (religion) the tendency to reduce a religion to its most fundamental tenets, based on strict interpretation of core texts while traditionalism is the adherence to traditional views or practices, especially with regard to cultural or religious matters.

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