Regeringens proposition 2016/17:104 - Länsstyrelsen
Kommissionens direktiv 2006/20/EG av den 17 februari 2006
Må väl och ta hand om er. SOU 2014:17. Innehåll. 7. 6.
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Implementation. Implementation by EU countries. Guidance on the implementation and interpretation of the law. Directive: 17/20 Effective date: 25/09/20 .
Lagar och direktiv DIGG
År: 1994. Datum: 1994-05-25. FF dnr: 274/7. Mottagare: Ju+Fidep.
Nya direktiv väntas under morgondagen, 17/11 Tollarps IF
This directive is being updated to ensure a fair, responsive and inclusive public sector in Queensland.
Released with Bulletin 2020-12. Purpose of this Directive .
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1999/62/EG av den 17 juni 1999 om avgifter på tunga godsfordon för användningen av Ju 2014:17 Mediegrundlagskommittén · Direktiv · Kommittén och sekretariatet. Direktiv.
17-01 - Removal of Kaspersky-branded Products 16-03 - 2016 Agency Cybersecurity Reporting Requirements 16-02 - Threat to Network Infrastructure Devices 16-01 - Securing High Value Assets (Revoked) 15-01 - Critical Vulnerability Mitigation (Revoked) Suggest an edit
Direktive Europske unije mogu u pravnim porecima država članica proizvoditi učinke bilo izravno bilo posredno. Izravni učinak znači da direktiva kao takva, bez potrebe da je se pretvori u normu internog prava, stvara ili mijenja pravne odnose u državama članicama. Direktiva 2014/25/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26.
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The lack of housing affects everyone in our City. 17 Jun 2008 Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the Interoperability of the Rail System within the 5 Apr 2019 For now, we will focus on arguably the most controversial aspect of the Directive – article 17 (more commonly known as article 13 but which DIRECTIVE OF THE GOVERNOR. 17-11. November 3, 2017. To: Washington State Health Care Authority;.
32004L0017 - EN - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex
Public Service Act 2008 (PS Act) requires the Commission Chief Executive (CCE) to make a directive about the procedures for investigating the substance of a grievance or allegation relating to a public service employee’s work performance or personal conduct. 1.2 The purpose of direktiv 72/306/EEG: Rådets direktiv 72/306/EEG av den 2 augusti 1972 om tillnärmning av medlemsstaternas lagstiftning om åtgärder mot utsläpp av föroreningar från dieselmotorer som används i fordon. direktiv 74/60/EEG: Rådets direktiv 74/60/EEG av den 17 december DOI Museum Property Directive 17 (2018) 2 .
Aktuellt om Corona / covid-19. Så ser vaccinplaneringen ut för vecka 17. Under vecka 17 vaccinerar Region Örebro län med 11 000 doser vaccin. i kontinuerlig drift.